Friday, May 1, 2009

Today's America

Ok, so I was bored so I looked up one of my favorite topics on Google: The Philadelphia Phillies. I was looking through the pictures and came across this particular billboard of Chase Utley and various TastyKake sweets. While I do love TastyKakes, I couldn't help but think to myself: NO WONDER THIS COUNTRY STRUGGLES WITH OBESITY!!!!!!!! I mean, seriously! What kind of message does this billboard send to kids. On it, you have a person who is a role model to kids about being active and healthy, considering he is a professional athlete and athletes sort of need to be heathly, and then you have the TastyKakes which represent almost anything and everything unhealthy. In this country, way too many kids are struggling with obesity, and what do the advertisers do? They pair unhealthy eating habits with someone who represents health. Now, I know you are all probably thinking: well, if he represents health, then people would know that they need to exercise if they eat junk food. Yes, but my point is, this advertisement could be brought about better. Perhapse exercise could be added, such as showing Chase Utley actually playing baseball instead of standing there. Instead of kids just seeing that Chase Utley eats TastyKakes, they would see that Chase Utley eats TastyKakes and exercises to stay healthy. When kids see this as it is, they don't think about burning calories. They see that Chase Utley is a physically fit person, and they assume that they will be as well. If exercise was actually shown, they would see that exercise is a good thing. If exercise was incorporated into this billboard, TastyKake would still sell just as many Butterscotch Krimpets and Peanut Butter Kandy Kakes, but they would also being doing a part in promoting healthy lifestyles, which is something this country desperately needs.

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