Thursday, April 2, 2009

What Happened to Humor?

I'm just going to get right to the point. People need to not be so serious. I mean, can't we all just have some fun and joke around a bit. Now, this does not mean I am endorsing immature behavior. I understand there are times to be serious and there are times to just joke around and have fun. I have noticed that a lot of people can never take a joke and always have to be serious. Come on, instead of worrying about a quiz or test you have later in the day (which you know you'll do good on anyway) why can't you just joke around and laugh with your friends at lunch. I'll be the first to tell you that school work is very important, but sometimes it is just better for you and your grades to take a break. Now when I say joke around, I don't mean that you have to run around, victimizing your friends to a pie in the face, as poor Chase Utley was on the receiving end here, but laugh and have a discussion that doesn't mean anything. Talk about funny stuff that happened back in elementary school instead of the quiz you just took. It will give you the laugh we all need, and get your mind off the stress of serious life.

1 comment:

  1. Great post, Lauren! I totally agree with you -- we all need some balance in our lives. We need to be serious when appropriate and fun when appropriate. :)
